
Blight Bringers Ep 11

On this episode, I forget to introduce wolfe because I am a bad co-host, but we are joined by a fellow Discord user Simon Battersby. We have a quick chat about a couple models we missed last week… sorry Blightbringer, then we get into a handful of questions. Finally an impromptu section I’m calling Feat//Counterfeat erupts where wolfe and Simon debate the finer points of the Hellmouth. We hope you enjoy.

Join the Warmachine Discord and chat with us and enter the painting contest. It lasts until the end of July!

Cover Art:
Maelstrom from Moosemachine! Catch them live (almost) every Wednesday at

Please feel free to provide any feedback about the cast in the comments. We look forward to hearing from all of you!

You can get our show on your podcast app by subscribing to Muse on Minis!

Check out these upcoming events:
Bokur Brawl, October 12th to the 14th @ Thomas J. Kavanaugh VFW Post 2290, Manville, NJ

Canadian WTC Fundraiser, August 25th @ The Dragon, Guelph, On.

Battle for the South, July 28th @ Mozarthof, Klagenfurt, Austria

Lists mentioned this week:
[Anamag 1] Anamag the Doom Feaster [+27] – Blightbringer [32] – Ammok the Truthbearer [4] Spell Martyr [1] Spell Martyr [1] Warmonger War Chief [5] Warmonger War Chief [5] Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (min) [8] – Gorag Rotteneye [0(6)] Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (max) [13] Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (max) [13] Chosen of Everblight (max) [20] Hellmouth [0(6)] Hellmouth [0(6)]
[Anamag 1] Anamag the Doom Feaster [+27] – Blightbringer [32] – Golab [17] – Ammok the Truthbearer [4] Spell Martyr [1] Spell Martyr [1] Spell Martyr [1] Blighted Ogrun Warmongers (max) [13] – Gorag Rotteneye [6] Blighted Rotwings (min) [7] Chosen of Everblight (max) [20] Hellmouth [0(6)] Hellmouth [0(6)]

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Further reading