
Tangential with TseungTsu EP8 Travis Marg aka Dark Legacy

Welcome to Tangential with Tseung Tsu. I’m your host, Tseung Tsu. This year in 2018 I decided to start traveling to some larger Warmachine events. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but have been pleasantly surprised with all the incredible people I’ve met along the way. I decided to start this podcast to record, and share some of those conversations with the rest of you. I hope you find them as entertaining, educational, and inspiring as I do.
I recently had the privileged of talking to Travis Marg. We talk about his adventures as an Infernal, Lead Judge, and a player of Warmachine. How he balances all those things, how he’d love to see the game played, and a little about what we’d like to see in the future. If you’ve enjoyed the podcast and want to be sure to stay up to date taking a second to jump over to facebook give us a like and a follow at COWargaming would be appreciated. You can also find me on twitter @TseungTsu to stay up to date. Without further delay here is that conversation.
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