
Tangential with TseungTsu EP9 Tim Banky

Welcome to Tangential with Tseung Tsu. I’m your host, Tseung Tsu. This year in 2018 I decided to start traveling to some larger Warmachine events. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but have been pleasantly surprised with all the incredible people I’ve met along the way. I decided to start this podcast to record, and share some of those conversations with the rest of you. I hope you find them as entertaining, educational, and inspiring as I do.

I recently had the privileged of talking to Tim Banky. We talk about dealing with raised expectations, not being an a-hole, mentoring newer players, and of course, Dungeons and Dragons. If you’ve enjoyed the podcast and want to be sure to stay up to date taking a second to jump over to facebook give us a like and a follow at COWargaming would be appreciated. You can also find me on twitter @TseungTsu to stay up to date. Big shout out to Muse on Mini’s for their support. For the best wargaming aids available be sure to check them out. Without further delay here is that conversation.

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