
Full Tilt: Episode 2

Recorded 5/26/21

This week we cover some news and announcements, briefly glossing over news from the past month that we have missed before quickly going over the new Steamroller CID. We then dive into a discussion covering some wild and baseless mk4 speculation before going into how the CID process itself fits into today’s Privateer Press. 

Our main topic for the day is 5 Rules to Stick to to Get Better. We discuss some rules to hold yourself to if you want to really improve your play as a newer player, both during and outside of your games. 

To wrap things up, we go into what will be a recurring segment where we build strong, straight-forward starter lists for newer players. These lists should exemplify the strong points of the faction while showcasing that faction’s basic play style, in a relatively simple to operate list. This week we covered Menoth with pKreoss, pSeverius, Malekus, and pReznik.

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