
Boosted Rolls #28 – BoostedCon and EU Masters with Pawel Blados

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Greetings and welcome back for another episode of Boosted Rolls. It was our pleasure to invite Pawel Blados to join us for a discussion about BoostedCon recently attended by himself and Tomasz for a 3 day convention including the recently relocated EU masters event. The usual spoiler of course is that he won, but we do go into slightly more detail than that, as you might expect.  Lessons to be learned for tournament organisers and competitive players alike here, especially for those interested in Zaal2 or Infernals. We would love to hear about your thoughts on tournament timings and the above mentioned factions/casters either directly, in the comments or in the discord if you are one of our lovely Patreon supporters. Details can be found below. We are glad to be back bringing you this content and are very much looking forward to some insights into the UK scene when we record with the wonderful Paul Watson on Saturday (aiming to release some time later next week). Keep your ears open!

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