Hello there, dearest of readers. What I try to put into words here is the state of the Trollbloods faction, the way I experience it today. Please don’t take all my words here as gospel – the idea is to share my thoughts, and maybe...
Ladies! Gentlemen! Gather round for the hottest of hot takes, the juiciest of juicy gossips – this year’s top 10 WTC teams identified, two weeks before the event! As some of you might know, I have this little tradition going on – I...
Hello dear reader, Fear not. I’m still a Cryx player, and despite the fact that the Ghost Fleet Mafia1 (aka the hosts of Chasing the Dragonfather) seem to be going off on solo projects, rest assured, if you meet me across a gaming table...
Hello dear reader. The time of year is nearly upon us, that magical weekend on which the whole Warmachining world holds its breath in awe, to witness the forging of legends, the tournament of tournaments, the pinnacle of the gaming year: the World...